Alice’s Embrace Partners is a very new concept and it is unfolding as we speak… April 2024. Over the past several months, people from all around the country have reached out to Diane to let her know that they’re interested in continuing the work we’ve done for many years - bringing our gifts to deserving people in their own neighborhoods. These kindhearted and giving partners will work at their own pace and they might even recruit a few fellow knitters and crocheters in their community. Looking at the map below, the states filled in with purple have people who have shown interest in becoming Alice’s Embrace Partners. If you would like to know the cities where these folks live, please click on the map below.

Please remember, each person who has partnered with us will decide on their own, how much or how little they would like to do. We’re sharing these locations so you can see if there might be other like-minded Alice’s Embrace fans/contributors near you. After more thought and getting input from the Partners, we will likely share ways for you to get in touch with them, but for now… please be patient. Baby steps are how we’re approaching this right now.

Please keep this in mind - we ask for people who are partnering with us to use the Alice’s Embrace patterns. They’re tried and true and really quite lovely.

THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS - Please stay tuned for more information as we work out all the details.