Homemade Noodles (Crochet)
Homemade Noodle days were such an event at our house growing up. We all looked so forward to those rare days. Well-worn old embroidered cloths were placed all over the kitchen table and counters and the noodles were laying next to each other, row after row of deliciousness. We would sneak into the kitchen and quietly and carefully slip raw, drying noodles off the table and into our mouths. When we took one, we would always shift the other noodles on either side of it so it would go unnoticed by Mom. "Stay out of that kitchen!” “Stay away from those noodles!” We all heard Mom saying these things every single time we had a Homemade Noodle day. Every time! The dried, raw noodle was incredibly yummy, but when they cooked in their delicious broth they plumped up and were oh so heavenly. Lucky us to have experienced such a wonderful tradition.
Irresistible noodles drying on a vintage embroidered cloth.